"Zero To One" Startup Tips by Peter Thiel
"What important truth do very few people agree with you on? "
Peter Thiel says in his book "Zero To One" that he likes to ask this question whenever he interviews someone for job.
Peter Andreas Thiel is a German- American billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He was born on 11 October 1967 in Frankfurt Germany. He is a co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies and founder fund, he was the first outside investor in Facebook. His net worth is 510 crores USD (2021).
Zero To One book is simply the notes on startups or the way to how to build the future. This book mainly focuses on building a new business or to improve the pre-existing. Peter Thiel has written this book with Blake Masters. Peter Thiel himself is a very successful businessman and he has mentioned all the points in this book to make our way easy to understand for startup and to start from zero to infinite.
" The challenge of the future" is the first chapter of this book. And in this chapter he has mentioned the contrarian question " What important truth do very few people agree with you on?" This question is not as easy as it sounds . While answering, you have to think about it deeply. Peter Thiel has mentioned his own answer and I do have my own answer too , I’ll tell you later in the end , you too think about it till then .
As Peter Thiel is telling us about how to build the future in this book, then we must know first what is future ?
"Future is set of memories yet to come, simply. Future is all about Change." Every moment in life happens once. When we think about future we think about progress. If we remain same as we are for next two decades then the future will be far for two decades. If we decide to change tomorrow for progress then the future is tomorrow. It simply says about the way we live and think.
Peter Thiel says progress can take one of two forms.
A. Horizontal or extensive progress.
B. Vertical or intensive progress.
"Horizontal progress is doing something we already know about."
Let me try to make you understand this with an example-
If I’m thinking of starting a business of a perfume,then the perfume is already existing thing. I can easily get to know how can I start my business. I’ll get to know how it’s fragrance should be, how the container should be, where all can I supply that, the market and the requirements needed to set a business for it.
I’m definitely working hard for it. But the thing is I’m thinking to do a thing which already people are doing in the market. I’m just copying that. This is a horizontal or extensive progress.
While " Vertical or intensive progress does mean doing new things."
The example of this is as Mark Zuckerberg created a social network and as Bill gates created an operating system. This is a vertical or intensive progress.
Peter Thiel has shown this by graph-
The single word for horizontal or extensive progress is "Globalization" . China is the paradigmatic example of Globalization . They might skip a few steps along the way but they’re copying United States all same.
" Globalization is - Going from 1 to n."
The single word for vertical or intensive progress is "Technology".
Technology is creating something new, here it doesn’t mean by mobile or computers. For creating a new thing we must know a secret. New thing means which doesn’t already exist . And the thing which doesn’t already exist , nobody knows about that. And what nobody knows is a "Secret".
"Technology is- Going from 0 to 1."
So here I’m telling you the Peter Thiel’s answer of that contrarian question.
He says-" The most people think the future of the world will be defined by Globalization but the truth is technology matters more. Spreading old ways to create wealth around the world will result in devastation not riches."
I definitely agree with him . But I tried to connect this with every perspective of our surroundings. Because for a change it is necessary to change our perspective first . Our perspectives can only change the world.
We live in a society where whenever Someone tries to do something new people cut them out of the society or make fun of them . You must trust yourselves .
1."Society believes in following the traditions or in just developing them but the truth is we need to create new things .The important truth is taking risks are important but people deny to agree with it."
2."Consistency and discipline is key to success" but todays students are going in dark side. They think they look very cool by smoking and by misbehaving but this is not the truth actually. When someone tries to make them understand this thing they deny to agree this truth."
3.In spirituality the important truth is "Universe gives you what you manifest for" This is the biggest truth of universe actually but very few people agree on that .
The conclusion of my answer in short is " the important truth is we need change every moment in life but most of the people don’t agree with this."
This situation is can be seen in our families also. I have seen many families where people are not trying to accept the change . They still believe in veil system, dowry system, saying no to girl’s education, not trying to understand that the thing like depression also exist, and much more."
And you guys must have seen the results of this situation also.
"This is the universal truth if we don’t accept the change the things go to devastation only."
"Change and technology are two most important factors which should define our futures but many people don’t agree with this."
"Next Bill gates will not build an operating system."
TO BE CONTINUE..................
Stay safe. Think new. Work for that.
—— Bani Singh.
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