How to get Solution of our problems.

Solution of our problems

How can we get the solutions of our problems?

So many of us are here bounded with many types of questions in our mind and heart .

I agree everyone gets problems in life but sometimes the bigger problem we get is " Why is this happening to me?"

Yes of course you do have right to put the question and to ask " Why is this happening to you?"

            But, have you ever think about what is the best way to handle this situation? 

Whenever we get any problem in life, what we do is we get tensed and at the same time we make others tensed. Do we get solution by doing this ? 

No.... Then why do we do this? 

Answer is , we are very weak to accept our faults. We want someone or something to blame for our problems.

"Acceptance is first most important quality we must have."

Then what we do is we shout and abuse. We get angry. In that case we actually loose. We have definite amount of energy in universe, it depends on us how we utilities that energy. If we will get angry things are not going to work in a better way but if we will stay calm we can utilise that energy to get the solution and to form something beautiful.

"Calmness is second most important quality we must have."

And what we do is taking quick decisions in anger. Which is the biggest mistake actually.
      Stay calm, take time to think and have patience. Work on your goals only , everything is going to be fine . You don’t have to worry about it.

"Patience is the third most important quality we must have."

This is a very short explanation for every person who is determined towards his goals . These three qualities give you proactive energies and make you more beautiful personality. You can attract positivity all around you by the help of these three qualities only . 

"Acceptance + Calmness + Patience = Solution of every problem."

This quick explanation was to balance our mind in the problems.

But the question is still there-"Why is this happening to me?"

In the society we have to see every perspective. 
From the perspective of many people I have analysed that , they just know whatever bad happens, is the result of our bad karmas . 
Okay.. we agree that. 
But if you are going to see this , this way, then you are only going to attract negativity around you . And you will just get frustrated. 
 We can see this with the different perspective also. 
The answer of this question is - 

"This is happening to you because god wants you to be the strongest version of yourself. He knows when you need to be changed and he also knows you are not going to be changed until your circumstances force you to change yourself. "

So accept the situation , that is only coming in your way to nikle out the strongest version of you. 

World is already going through lots of problems lots of hate . Try to spread positivity , love and support. We are the future . 

Stay safe. Stay kind. Stay positive. 

— Bani Singh.

( student of British Academy )

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